Affiliate Marketing Comprehensive
Actionable Module
Training Series # 14
- How to Set Up an Affiliate Review
Site - How You Can Earn a Full Time
Income as an Affiliate - Starting Your Own Affiliate Program
- Secrets of Writing Great Pre-Selling
Content - 5 Simple Little Ways to Grow Your
Affiliate Marketing Business - How to Write Incredible Product
Review Content
How to Set Up an Affiliate Review Site
As an affiliate marketer, you’ll probably want to set up an affiliate review site sooner or later. There are a few different reasons why this might be the case.
For one thing, many companies that allow you to promote their products as an affiliate require you to have an affiliate review site for them to check out. They want to make sure you are a legitimate affiliate.
Affiliate review sites are typically very focused sites that exist for the purpose of promoting a product. They are usually 10 pages or less of a product review, and a additional bits of supporting content. It usually link back to a main page.
They want to make sure that you understand their target audience. There are, unfortunately, some affiliates out there who scam companies… which has led to a crackdown on applications that might require you to have a website.
You also want an affiliate website because it is just a good idea. You want to have a sort of home base on the web for the things you promote and review as an affiliate. You want to get traffic, even while you’re sleeping. That means having a website.
Also, one of the most important things you can do as an affiliate is to build a list. When you build a list that is very targeted to the types of things you promote, you can make sales just by sending a simple email. If you focus on building a list via your website and build your list up over time, you can absolutely earn a full-time income as an affiliate… as long as you are in a profitable and popular niche.
Keep this in mind:
Lists = $$$$
Creating an Affiliate Review Website
Let’s assume that you plan to create an affiliate review website. An affiliate review website is just what it says: It’s a website where you write reviews as an affiliate.
One of your goals as an affiliate marketer is to develop a lot of trust among the people in your niche. You want people to trust you and to come to you when they are wondering if they should buy a product or not. You want them to come to you whenever they have a problem or question related to your niche.
On your affiliate review site, you will have sections where you might talk about the details of certain products: you may also talk about the pros and cons of certain products. You may compare and contrast certain products so that you can help people make informed buying decisions.
You will also use your affiliate review sites to build relationships with the people of your niche. They will learn about you and what you stand for.
On your website, you might have a contact me section, an about me section, a disclaimer section, a terms of service section, an affiliate disclaimer section, and more. Note that certain affiliate programs, such as the Amazon Associates program, require you to put a specific disclaimer on your website and on all of your promotions stating that you are an affiliate and may earn a commission.
But What If I Don’t Know How to Build a Website?
If you’ve never created a website before, then this might be intimidating to you. How on earth are you going to get started?
You will have to go through some trial and error as you work to build your website. But, you’ll find that today’s easily accessible tools make it easier than you might be expecting.
And, if you’re totally stuck and don’t want to spend any money on creating your website right now, you can go to (owned by Google), and build a free blog to get started with. It is extremely simple to set up a blog with Blogger and there are fantastic instructions that will help you do so.
We recommend that over time, and if you do have more experience with creating websites or are willing to learn, you should register your own domain name, secure your own hosting, and install the WordPress script for your website.
WordPress is blogging software, but you can really turn it into anything you want it to be – including an affiliate review site. Again, there is a (small) learning curve at first, but you’ll find that WordPress is very easy to work with overall.
Study Other Affiliate Review Websites
Before you get started creating your own affiliate review website, check out what the competition is doing.
Remember that success leaves clues. If you can study what already successful affiliate marketers are doing with their websites, then you can get some fantastic ideas for what you should do with your own affiliate review website.
For example, how many articles, specifically review articles, do they have on their website? Do they have an about me section? Is the content more generic or are these people really communicating and connecting with their audience? Do they have a lot of reader participation on the site? Do they have social media attached?
Start to take notes as you study these other affiliate review websites. If you’re stuck for how to find these review websites in the first place, just do a simple Google search. Search for reviews of the types of products you are interested in promoting.
Now, in certain niches you will probably come across professional reviews from heavy hitting companies that have a lot more muscle, money, and know-how than you might have right now.
Don’t let that discourage you. Do some more digging to find review websites that were created by niche focused marketers just like you. That’s something you’ll be able to more easily replicate at your current level.
Also remember that those “heavy hitters” started out just like you when they began, and look at them now. That will be what people think about you some day.
Should You Create a Narrower or More General Affiliate Review Website?
Another question you might have is what depth your affiliate review website should go into. There is no one correct answer to this question.
In some cases, you will be focusing on a very tight group of products or a very specific sub-niche. Your review website might have just 5 to 10 articles or so, in total. It depends on what’s out there on the market already and what comes out in the future.
Some people even create specific affiliate review websites on just one product. In that case, you can write a variety of articles and reviews on the very same product.
If you want to become a true authority in your niche and have a website that promotes for you day and night, and can earn for you for years to come, then you might want to create a more general website based on a specific topic within your niche.
So over time, your website might have hundreds and hundreds of reviews, commentary, and articles on it. That won’t be the case when you first get started, but you will start your site with the plan in mind that you will grow it over time.
At this point, you’ve chosen the product or products you want to promote. You have an idea of if you are targeting a more general or a more specific niche or sub-niche.
Plan your website accordingly. If you’re first getting started, then you might want to create a review website around a specific product or specific groups of products. Maybe you’ll be more ready to create a larger review website over time.
Just know that the quality of your content does matter. You need high-quality content that will really resonate with your audience. You aren’t going to write something just to write it. You’re going to write reviews and articles and blog posts because they’re going to help people who visit your website.
And if you’re thinking that you don’t have the writing skill to write great review articles, you should know that there are freelance writers that can help you do that for a very low cost.
How You Can Earn a Full Time Income as an Affiliate
You have pretty big goals as an affiliate. Hopefully, you have really specific goals in mind.
If you don’t yet, it’s time to start. You should know exactly how much you want to earn as an affiliate and by will it take to earn?
Give yourself a deadline.
By when do you want to earn $1,000 a month? By when do you want to earn $5,000 a month? That’s a number that many people equate with being a “full time” income.
You actually can do it much more quickly than you think.
There are several different ways you can achieve this goal.
- You can promote strictly digital products. You can choose a profitable niche that has an abundance of great digital products. You can build a list in this niche and set up a review site.
- You can promote strictly physical products. Set up a blog where you become an expert. Make your blog so interesting to the people of your niche that they’ll want to bookmark your blog, join your list, and visit it on a regular basis.
- You can also do a mixture as an affiliate. You can dabble in several different niches. In fact, that can be a good thing to do over time because you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.
Think of this as a warning:
You won’t be able to earn at all, if you don’t follow through. Don’t start promoting one thing only to float away and start promoting something else.
Follow through. Start earning in one niche before moving on to another.
You’ll do yourself a favor if you choose to promote related niches.
Or, you might choose to stick to one niche only and branch out a bit. You can become a true heavy hitter in that niche— someone who has developed authority.
Refer to the “Authority” training module at
Eventually, you might want to consider creating your own products within your niche. That way, you can earn money as an affiliate and have other people promoting the products you create.
Being an affiliate and a product creator can certainly help you get to a full time income.
Keep in mind that you’ll get to where you want to be much more quickly if you choose to focus on building your list as an affiliate.
Promote to that list, build relationships with that list, and profit from that list. Put people first and think about what’s really going to help them and impact their lives.
Earning More by Promoting Recurring Income Products
You want to get to a full time income quickly… and with as little effort as possible.
The absolute best way to reach your income producing goals is by promoting recurring income products.
Recurring income products are those subscription products and services that customers get billed for every month (or however it’s set up by the product owner).
As an affiliate, you earn your commission from these products and services every month.
It’s pretty remarkable, really. You do the work of finding the customer one time and then you get paid over and over again every time that recurring billing comes through.
If you’re looking for an easy sell in the Internet marketing niche, our membership site The IM Inside Track is a great recurring billing service to start promoting.
It’s low cost for the customer and there’s an opportunity for people to get an annual membership. You can get paid more at once, and every time those payments come through.
If you’re looking to earn more money per sale, than my very popular Earn 1K a Day membership site is great to promote. This site has been around for a very long time and has a great reputation in the niche.
It’s a higher charge per month because of everything it comes with— a definite benefit for your buyers. And you get paid every single month.
Promote something once and get paid for it over and over again. If you put your effort into promoting products like this, there’s a chance you can work less and earn more from your efforts.
Get Started as an Affiliate Today
Get started earning from affiliate marketing quickly by taking this seriously and coming up with a game plan. Think about everything you’ve learned and create a schedule for yourself. Follow through with that schedule and you can work your way up to a full time income.
Also, remember to reference the “Millionaire Maker” module on our website for more in-depth tactics in affiliate marketing.
Starting Your Own Affiliate Program
If you want to make more money with your products and services, then you need to attract affiliates. Affiliates are the lifeblood of any online business. Seriously… It’s as simple as that.
You want people to help you drive traffic, right? That’s not even a question – you don’t want to have to drive all the traffic yourself. That takes much more time than you have available.
You also want to be able to build your list as you market your products. But if you only have access to the same customers you’ve always had access to, then you’re stuck. Having access to the lists of affiliates can really give a great boost your business. Every time someone buys from one of your affiliates, they will also get added to your email list.
What’s An Affiliate, Again?
To put it simply, an affiliate is someone who markets products for you. They get a special link that tracks who clicks through and goes on to buy a product of yours. They then get a cut of the sale.
It’s brilliant. It’s sort of like paid advertising but you don’t have to pay unless the affiliate performs. So there’s no risk at all. You can get tons of people working for you without paying a dime upfront. And if you have an active army of affiliates promoting for you, you can make so much more money than you could make if you’re trying to do it all on your own.
The trouble is that you might not know how people can get that “special link” so they can promote your products. You might not know the first thing about that. Is it complicated? How do you even get started with something like that?
It used to be very complicated. It certainly was nowhere near as easy as it is today. The good news is that it’s absolutely easy to get up and running with your own affiliate program today.
There are so many different options to choose from. So we recommend that you take a look at the available options, and decide how technical you want to get. You will have to consider how you want your affiliates to be tracked across sales and products, and then consider how you want to pay them.
You will find that starting your own affiliate program is one of the best choices you could make in your business.
By the way – starting your own affiliate program isn’t just about tracking and paying affiliates. As part of your program, you should also provide them with marketing tools so they can be as effective as possible. You want them to make many, many sales of your products. Giving them tools and even training them can be part of the program you provide.
You can also do things like run contests, start a list of your affiliates, write marketing emails for your affiliates, and more.
To put it simply, starting an effective affiliate program will absolutely get you more traffic and more sales. It will help you grow your list, establish you as an expert, and help you get a better hold on your niche overall.
There are some things you should keep in mind that are perhaps more negative or more challenging when it comes to starting your own affiliate program. Depending on the options you go with, you may very well have to reserve the proper amount of money to pay your affiliates after a predetermined amount of time (such as after 30 days). You also have to make sure that your affiliates are promoting your products in the right way, settling disputes with affiliates should they arise, and so on.
With that said, if you set yourself up in the right way, you’ll find that there are so many more benefits than there are drawbacks. To truly grow your business, buiding an affiliate following is absolutely the way to go.
Starting Your Own Affiliate Program
Of course, the first step is to make sure you have a great product that people will want to promote. Affiliates tend to be attracted to products that are high in quality and that they can earn a great commission on. Perhaps it is a lower-priced product on the front end with a great upsell they can also earn on.
Take a look at the popular products in your niche that affiliates are really excited about promoting, and you will be able see what you can do to match or offer better terms with your own products and offers.
Next, you have to choose the perfect affiliate platform for your business. There are so many different options out there.
One of the ways to jumpstart your program is to connect with marketer affiliates through the forum or contact us at
Other product owners enjoy using— we also have products on that platform that affiliates can promote. And in this case, affiliates can earn instant PayPal commissions.
JVZoo is very easy to use and you don’t have to pay upfront for it… but do have to pay upon each sale. The good thing is that you get access to a large army of affiliates through the site who are actively looking for products to promote. So you can do some good affiliate recruitment there.
JVZoo is easier to use than most affiliate programs, though it’s not as feature-rich. Still, it integrates with your autoresponder company, allows you to auto approve affiliates you’ve come to trust, and it allows instant payment to affiliates, and more.
These are certainly not the only two options. Depending on what you’re selling, there are many other platforms out there. If you’re selling physical products, then something like or might be more up your alley. Or perhaps WarriorPlus is for you if you are selling in the Internet marketing niche. Or perhaps is for you.
Let it be clear that you don’t have to handle the technical aspect of this much at all. Use the tools that are available for businesses just like yours. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are some that get a little more technical than others.
So when we talk about starting your own affiliate marketing program, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be coding and dealing with the headaches that can come along with that. You’re simply going to be looking at the available options and choosing what will work best for you and for your affiliates. There are viable options available whether you’re technologically inclined or not.
Recruiting Affiliates
After you’ve chosen which platform you want to use for your affiliates, it’s time to recruit affiliates. Make it clear that you have some great products for them to promote and provide the tools for them to do so. Get the word out among your contacts, on social sites, business forums, and anywhere else you know interested affiliates might hang out online (and keep potentially offline affiliates in mind).
Make it known that you have a great thing going on and that your affiliates can earn some excellent income with you. Consider offering recurring income products (like a membership site) that they can promote for great monthly income.
Think about what would attract you as an affiliate and consider providing that to your affiliates. Really, you are (selling) promoting your products as being very beneficial to your affiliates. There are other things they can promote in the same niche – so what makes your product special?
Consider setting up an email marketing list for your affiliates so you can keep up with them, and let them know when you have a new offer available for promotion.
Consider running affiliate contests to make it fun and even more profitable for affiliates to promote for you.
Provide them with marketing materials to make their job easier. This can include things like graphics and swipe emails so they can easily promote your product.
Your Affiliate Marketing Program Can Make All the Difference
It really doesn’t take long to start your own affiliate marketing program. Once you get it started, you’ll find that it makes all the difference in amount of sales your products produce. You’ll make more sales, grow your list, and find more benefits as a product creator overall.
Put it out of your mind that this has to be technical or challenging – it doesn’t. There are many more affiliate marketing platform options than mentioned here, so be sure to research what works best for you. For most of our readers, go ahead with what works – and, from what you’ve just read, it works. This is a great decision that will transform your business.
Secrets of Writing Great Pre-Selling Content
As someone running affiliate marketing promotions, it’s very important that you learn how to write pre-selling content. So many marketers assume that the sale is in the bag because the product they’re promoting has a great sales page. Really, it’s up to you as the affiliate to use your relationship with your readers to get them sold on a product before they even see the sales page.
If you focus on pre-selling, and do it well, you’ll have much higher conversions and make many more sales than those with much larger lists.
Your Relationship Is the First Step
The first step in effective pre-selling is to build a good relationship with your list, on your social media accounts, and to your audience in general. This relationship will get people to read what you have to write. They’ll want to hear more from you because they trust and like what you have to say. This gets your foot in the door, and your content is going to do the rest on earning you the commission.
You’re going to write pre-selling content for everything you promote. You can do this via blog posts or autoresponder emails. Some people maximize their use of their content by using it in more than one place. Actually, repurposing your content is a great way to save time and earn more money in just 60 minutes per day.
What’s Special about what you’re Promoting?
You really have to dive into what’s unique and beneficial about the product. You’re not just going to send the canned e-mails so many other affiliates rely on. You’re really going to spend some time making your promotions great. You’ll see the benefits in the form of higher conversions and more sales. If you want to earn more in less time, you have to learn how to be more efficient and convincing with your pre-selling e-mails and blog content.
Start by evaluating the product at hand, making a list of its benefits and unique features. Ask yourself how it serves the customer and what’s different about it from anything else on the market. Essentially, you want to convince yourself about the product so you can convince others.
Writing Pre-Selling Content
You can draft your pre-selling content once you have the facts and benefits of the product written down. Whether you’re writing a blog post, broadcast email, or autoresponder e-mail, you’ll need a great article title or e-mail subject line.
When you’re writing a blog post designed to get search engine traffic, you should include the name of the product within the headline or subject line. You should also leave a little mystery so people will want to keep reading.
You don’t need to worry about including the product name in the subject line of an email–just make sure it calls out to the right kind of reader and adds an air of mystery so they’ll click.
It can help to analyze blog post titles of product reviews you enjoy. Also, evaluate e-mails you’ve received and paid particularly close attention to. It’s fascinating to study and understand what makes people interested in one subject line or title over another.
Start out by stirring up emotions within the body of the article or e-mail. You want to draw people in with their problem. Make them feel the pain or the desire and the feeling that they have to improve their situation.
Then, start to get them on your side by showing them that you understand what they’re going through. This is a fantastic place to tell a story– either your own or someone else’s. You want them to read from top to bottom and a story grabs their attention.
Guide them through all the way to the conclusion by holding their interest, making it all about them. The ending should include a solid call to action to get them to click over to the sales page.
Generally, pre-selling content on a blog is longer and more in depth than pre-selling content on an e-mail. You can include more product-focused information, including your own review, on a blog post. You don’t want your e-mail to be too long because then many people won’t read it. Play around with the length a bit and see how that affects your conversions and click-through rates.
Feel free to be a bit mysterious in your content, while still guiding them to the conclusion that they need the product you’re linking to. Try to find something intriguing on the sales page you can mention— something they’ll have to click over to see.
Depending on what you’re promoting as an affiliate, you may want to consider offering a bonus or something no one else can offer. You can even put some scarcity on this bonus, so only a certain number of people can get it. Or maybe they have to buy through your link within a certain amount of time.
Be sure to pay attention to the affiliate rules, because you’re not allowed to offer bonuses for some products. The bottom line is that you want to do something that sets you apart from anyone else who’s promoting.
The entire point of writing pre-selling content is to get people sold on the item before they even see the sales page. A big part of the secret is that you have to add that human touch. Make them feel that you understand exactly what they’re going through, because you do.
Don’t be just another marketer promoting a product. It shows when you really care about your audience and know that what you’re offering really can help people. Use elements of copywriting and psychology, and your conversions will be high.
Writing Pre-Selling Content in Under 30 Minutes
Know that your pre-selling content does not have to be long. You can definitely fit most articles or emails into a 30 minute slot. Getting two of these done in one day is certainly not out of the question. It’s all in knowing how to schedule your time and plan your affiliate promotions.
One of the best ways to learn how to do this is to examine the pre-selling content of others. If an affiliate sent you to buy something in the past, consider what led you to buy. If you’ve bought something from us before via an affiliate, was it the sales page or did they say something in their e-mail that convinced you? Analyze yourself on a psychological level. It can help you understand what makes people buy through your affiliate link.
5 Simple Little Ways to Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business
As an affiliate marketer, you’ll always look for ways to grow your business. Focus on growth and you can earn more and work less. Work smarter instead of harder, with these 5 simple little ways to grow your affiliate marketing business.
Method 1: Offer Something That No One Else Is Offering
Sometimes, people will buy things just because they really need it. Other times, people will be on the fence, and it’s up to you to push them to the other side. You also have to consider that there are many other affiliates chasing the same commissions you’re chasing.
You need to stand out from the crowd by offering something no one else is. You want to add your own twist to things so people can’t help but buy through your link because it’s such a fantastic deal.
Assume that you’re promoting that parrot training product. Guess what? ……So are marketers B and C. B doesn’t pay attention to the community, and his reviews are really impersonal, so he’s not a worry. But C does a great job at being part of the community and her reviews are really outstanding.
How can you stand apart from marketer C and get the commission when someone happens across both of your communities or pages?
On solution for you is to offer some kind of killer, related bonus. For example, you could interview a top parrot training expert and offer a related download to anyone who buys through your link. You could offer personal email help for anyone struggling. Make it a really great offer that adds so much value that they’ll never give marketer C more than a passing glance. You’ll win the commission and be wealthier for it. People love getting bonuses, so it’s definitely a win-win.
What are some other ways you can set yourself apart? Study the competition and figure out what that means for your niche.
Method 2: Give It That Professional Twist
You’ve seen review sites that look like they were cobbled together by 12 year olds. You’ve also seen review sites that look extremely professional, are well organized, and yet are still really personal and friendly.
How does your review site come across? It might be time to test a few elements or to go for a design change. If you’re still using a free Blogger blog, now might be the time to get your own domain (they make it pretty easy to do).
If you’re in a really competitive niche, you want to be as professional as possible and yet still unique. The cool thing is that you’re never locked into a style or strategy. Don’t be afraid to grow and change your affiliate site over time.
Implement one new thing here. another new thing there, and test the results. You might be surprised about what does work and what doesn’t work.
Once you have the resources, you’ll want to start buying the products you’re reviewing. You can often get the information you need to write a great review on the web, but it can make a big difference if you’re posting your hands-on experience and have your own pictures to back it up. If you become popular enough, you’ll start to have things sent to you for free, which is definitely a nice perk.
Method 3: Never Stop Creating, No Matter What
Don’t get lazy with your affiliate marketing business. That’s what it is– a business. It’s easy to relish in the passive income and just let things go. More than one marketer has told me they built up a nice affiliate income. but got distracted and complacent no longer have that business.
You can’t stop creating. If you want to grow, try outsourcing parts of the business that you’re too busy for or don’t really enjoy. Continuously post and stay on top of the trends. Pay attention to what’s going on in your niche. and stay a thought leader on your topic.
If it’s feasible, consider creating your own products for a bigger piece of the pie. As great as hands-off affiliate income is, you’re promoting for the other guy. You can get to a position where other affiliates are promoting for you, and that’s a really nice place to be.
Method 4: Strive For Total Domination
What will it take for you to earn a full time, six-figure income as an affiliate marketer?
Here’s what you need:
- A good size list– Your list is where you should focus a lot of your energy. Build your list and learn how to work that list (by giving more than you’re receiving) and you can easily reach a full time income, even if you don’t have the biggest list in your niche.
- A relationship with your readers and subscribers– People buy from those they like and trust. Once you get to a certain level, you’ll have people actually coming to you and asking for your affiliate link or recommendation because you’re the only one they want to go through.
- Domination of Google for some key terms– Remember that you don’t want to show up for just one or two search terms, you want to show up for a bunch. And you don’t want to just dominate one spot per key term; you want to dominate the first page of Google for the most profitable ones. Get more web properties up and succeed.
- An active presence in social media and online communities– People should start to associate your name or your brand with your niche. Be active in social media and share your expertise and recommendations. Be helpful and really stand out from the crowd.
Method 5: Become the Ultimate List Marketer
The top affiliate marketers have achieved their success because they are really good at working their list. Here are some ways you can emulate what the most successful do so you can put yourself on that list of ultimate list marketers.
- Drive traffic to your list every day– Your list is your biggest asset, so focus a lot of energy on building it. Just as much as you focus on your affiliate site.
- Have a great follow-up sequence– Don’t leave people hanging after they sign up for your list. You want them to really get to know you. You also want to earn some money. Depending on your niche, you can send the introduction email with their freebie, one or two helpful, informative emails, a soft promotion, then lead up to a hard promotion. Let this run for whoever signs up for your list– that’s money on autopilot!
- Learn to tell stories– As a list marketing affiliate, you need to get good at sending emails. Study how to write copy and how to weave stories into your promotions.
- Share more than you receive– Always give back to your list. You’re here to help people, not just make a buck.
- At the same time, you can’t be afraid to sell. If they don’t buy it through your link they’ll just buy it through someone else’s. You’re a marketer; embrace it.
- Mail frequently– Don’t be afraid to mail. You may not want to mail every day (or maybe you do). It’s fine to mail every other day or whatever works best in your tests. As long as you’re helpful, friendly, and not over-the-top, your readers will look forward to your emails and actually ask where you’ve been if you don’t mail as frequently.

How to Write Incredible Product Review Content
Writing product reviews is a wonderful way to earn money as an affiliate. Product reviews are an in depth way to affirm your position as a thought-maker in your niche, secure search engine traffic, and make good money as an affiliate. You’ll incorporate your knowledge of writing pre-selling content when you write fantastic product reviews.
There are two basic kinds of product reviews
1. The first is based on products you actually review. This means you have the product in hand or on your screen and can give the reader a complete overview of what the product is or contains. This is the ideal kind of review you write when you’re talking about a digital product.
2. The second is where you act as a reporter–reporting on the reviews or descriptions others have written. This is definitely second best, but still very useful— particularly if you’re reviewing products that would not be practical to have yourself. This is typically more common when reviewing physical products.
Examine the Review Style of Your Niche
The type of review you choose to write definitely depends on which niche you’re in. Check out some of the product reviews your competition has put out there. This can give you an idea of the typical product review style for your niche. It will also give you the opportunity to brainstorm other ways you can try to do even better.
Taking the Time to Plan and Write the Content
In general, you should go fairly in depth with your product review. You may want to take extensive notes on the product on your planning day, and then write the actual review on one of your content days. Structure it however it works for you.
Extensive reviews can be completed in a couple of 60-minute time blocks. Shorter reviews can be finished in just one 30-minute block of time. Get a feel for how long it will take you, so you can set aside the right amount of time.
Focus On the Benefits of the Product
As always, your buyers are much more interested in the benefits of the product versus the features. The features of a product are just fine to list. But they aren’t what is going to convince the reader to buy.
What’s really the heart of the product? What are the problems or specific problem the product will solve for them? Figure out the benefits that will really win people over.
Acknowledging the Negative
While you should definitely emphasize the positives of the product, it’s okay to point out the negative. In fact, it can even boost sales when you point out the negative. Your review will stand out because many marketers have a bad reputation for glossing over anything bad and over-emphasizing anything good, yes, they may even outright lying.
Be very honest and point out anything you feel is missing in the product (you can even use this as an excuse to create a bonus product that addresses the need, making it an easy decision for people to buy through your link).
Storytelling in Your Review
Along with reviewing the features and benefits of the product, you can also use elements of storytelling and elements of persuasion to move the reader through to the sale. Draw them in and get them interested by sharing your story or a related story.
Compare To Other Products
Also, consider comparing and contrasting competing products. Many people will read your review while they’re in the midst of comparing these products on their own. You can save them a step and essentially close the sale by doing the comparison for them.
Remember–never recommend a product if you don’t actually like it. You aren’t going to like every product you review. With that said, you absolutely can still write about products you don’t love. You can even still include your affiliate link with a negative review, unless you find something absolutely despicable about the product.
Some people will read and appreciate your honest review and go on to buy anyway. You can also provide a link to an alternative product you think will be a better fit. Test and track your results when trying both of these methods.
Where to Put Your Affiliate Link
You’re a marketer, in the end, and you’ve given your honest review. Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale and give a great call to action. Also consider including pictures linked with your affiliate link. Include strategic text links. Having affiliate links in more than one place can boost conversions.
Updating Your Popular Reviews
Consider adding updates to your review over time, especially if it’s something you’re using or putting into action yourself. Some reviewers are extremely thorough and do a series of reviews on the same product.
These review posts may get a lot of interested traffic and really dominate in the search engines, because there’s so much interest in a more in-depth, real-time review. Save this for products you really care a lot about, but it is a great technique that can be a lot of help to your readers.
The secret of writing incredible product reviews is being honest, thorough, and persuasive. Using these elements in combination will help you sell much more in much less time.
Writing product reviews is perfect for you as an affiliate marketer, because these earn for you even in your sleep. You can post about your review on your social media accounts, email your list about it, and find a following from search engine traffic. Imagine how wonderful your income can be once you have dozens of these reviews on your blog, earning for you on autopilot.